Friday, January 28, 2011

What is "Hong Kong architectural style"?

(English version please scroll down)

筆者在荷蘭讀了半年建築碩士,不斷給那些什麼現代主義 後現代主義的建築特色, James Stirling、Daniel Liebeskind、Rem Koolhaas 等等的現代後現代建築師加上他們錯綜複雜的師徒關係及建築派別搞得頭昏腦脹。苦讀過後,筆者心存了一些疑問,究竟香港的建築特色是什麼? 與之前所學的建築理論有沒有關係?



這些概念似乎承繼著Le Corbuiser人車分隔以及章顯汽車的使用的理念。這些理念緣自他"Ville Contemporaine"的方案,規劃透明晶亮的摩天大廈及多層分隔的大型交通樞紐。雖然這些概念當然被批評得很,但數十年後卻於遠東現實大部份的理念,而香港亦有很多城市規劃的理念與他相似。


那就根據上述的描述,香港建築是否就是機器式建築 ?

The author feels so desperately confusing when he studied the architectural theories about the modernism, post-modernism, their architects such has James Stirling, Daniel Liebeskind, Rem Koolhaas, etc and their complicated teacher-student relationship and architectural styles during the study of master of architecture in Netherlands in these half a year. After that, he questioned: How about Hong Kong architectural style? Can it be applied to the architectural theories the author has learnt about?

Indeed, Hong Kong is a kind of fusion place of combining the Chinese and Western culture which architectural style has same kind of characteristic. The style is not said to be Chinese, nor Western, but it has its own style. The author doesn't know if there is a specific name for this style, but seemingly it is the extension from the modernism.

In his opinion the most splendid things about Hong Kong is not the highrises, but the sophisticated pedestrian flyover system, which, especially in business district, connects the main transport hubs, such as metro stations, bus terminals and ferry terminals, etc. With this kind of flyover system pedestrian can go to their own destination more conveniently.

This kind of idea is probably the extension of the idea from Le Corbusier, a famous modernist architect, which suggested the segregated pedestrian circulation and the glorification of the automobiles. These concept are from his scheme of "Ville Contemporaine", which planned for groups of skyscrapers with curtain walls and huge transportation hub with different levels of transportation means. Although the concept was fiercely criticized, after several decades in the far east the concept is finally somehow can be realized. The city of Hong Kong shared the similar idea of urban planning with this architect master.

However, same as many criticism about the modernism style, the segregation of circulation to the ground make it not human as the emphasis on the point to point connection neglected the lifestyle in between. But in the situation of Hong Kong, because the lifestyle and the living pace is so fast, we need to have this kind of system, which increases the efficiency.

Yet, does it mean that the architectural style in Hong Kong is more like a machine?